Robin Schiff has been a working TV and feature film writer for more than forty years. She is currently an executive producer on the Netflix series Emily in Paris. She is super excited to be writing a sequel to her 1997 movie Romy and Michele’s High School Reunion, which will star Lisa Kudrow, Mira Sorvino and others from the original cast. Robin was a member of famed L.A. improv troupe The Groundlings, which is where she honed her comedy skills. In her free time, Robin likes to watch TV and nap.

Acquire the tools you need for success with the Executive Producer of Emily in Paris and the writer of Romy and Michele’s High School Reunion 1 & 2.


Do you have a story, but you don’t know if it’s working?
Do you have several stories but don’t know which one to choose?
Do you have a character you love but no setting or story yet?
Do you have a setting but no idea how to populate it?
Do you have an inkling of an idea for a character, but you aren’t sure how to flesh it out into a recognizable human being?
Get feedback and gain insight from veteran writer Robin Schiff.

$225/ 1/2 hour SCHEDULE NOW$395/1 1/2 hours SCHEDULE NOW


Are you starting something new and need to develop your characters? Do you already have a script written that hasn’t yet landed you representation or an option/sale? Attend this two-
hour workshop with Robin Schiff, the woman who created the Romy and Michele franchise (not to mention executive-produced Emily in Paris), to learn all the techniques she uses to create three-dimensional characters. Robin will also give concrete suggestions on how to flesh out a mere concept into a living breathing human being (on paper) so your script will get the attention it deserves.

Limited to 20 participants
$65/2 hours


Robin was an absolute delight. Everything I was hoping for and more. Cannot recommend her enough.” – Brian

Loved the time with Robin!” – Sam Shields